Retailers are shifting their shopping ads to online buying from smartphones. This just goes to show how important it is that your website is VERY mobile friendly. As the internet gets more and more user friendly, users are getting more and more spoiled, myself included. I want a fast load, as well as a great User Experience. I don’t want small text that I have to pinch and scroll all over the place to read. And, if I open a website URL that has something I’m interested in, I may wait 3-5 seconds for it to load. But after that time limit I become impatient and moved on to another website offering the same product. If your website loads slowly or looks awkward on a mobile device then…Poof…there went your potential buyer! It might be time to revamp your website. The cost of a new website can pay for itself, as your online shoppers increase.
Have you noticed some department stores are closing? Malls are less and less crowded on Black Friday. The good news is, if you like to go to the mall, you don’t have the chaos of shoppers from the past. However, this clearly shows that the trend of shoppers is to shop online. Why not shop from your phone? The inventory is better, sales are the same or sometimes even better than those in the stores. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, 2018, online revenue increased 12%….from $4.6 billion to $5.1 billion. These statistics are set to keep trending up.
You may say, “Yeah. But I just have an information site. We don’t actually sell online.”. Well, chances are you are selling something…most likely a service. People want information these days. Typically, by the time they are ready to shop, they have already done their research online to find which product/service is best. If your website isn’t mobile friendly, honestly…they probably didn’t even look at it.
Don’t get left behind any longer. Update your website so that your website is the one that mobile users love to visit, and buy from.